Can you help us make our show?
The Motherload is premiering in September 2021 in Launceston and Hobart.
The show has been shaped over the last three years by the input of hundreds of mothers who have joined in on our creative encounters online and at workshops and we don't want that interaction to end.
There are a number of ways you can contribute to the show, from the comfort of your home through to joining us on stage....
Contestants Needed
Join us in The Motherload
The Motherload is an interactive live gameshow where two teams compete for the crown of Ultimate Queen Mumma, hosted by Bryony Geeves
We are looking for 40 mums (4 per show) to join our team captains, Melissa King and Carrie McLean, for our performances in Launceston and Hobart.
You don't need to be a performer to join us, any mum can! You will be fully briefed, well cared for and pampered. We want this to be the most fun you've had 'juggling the motherload'
Curious? Find out more details and sign up here>>